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Background Information

A brief overview of the role chanting seems to have played in the early Buddhist community.


A short chant called the "namaskāra,"


The formula - sometimes called the "itipiso" chant - used for Buddhānussati, or "Recollection of the Buddha." Specifically, this chant involves recalling nine celebrated qualities of the Buddha.

The Dustcloth Recitation

A personal favorite of mine: this may well be the simplest Buddhist practice, though it comes from the commentarial tradition, and not the early texts.

Regarding the audio clips provided in the above pages: these are my own recordings, and it should be said that my pronunciation of Pāli is imperfect, especially aspirated syllables like the "dh" in "dhamma," which is supposed to sound a bit more "breathy" than I typically vocalize.
Furthermore, the rhythm, tone, etc. is my own approximation of specific versions performed by more traditional, authoritative reciters. If you have the great fortune to practice with a community in real life, they may perform these chants in their own ways, likely as parts of longer ritual recitations; simply follow their lead!